You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.1. Transactions - Job Transactions > Creating a New Service Job or Quote > Duplicating an Existing Quote
Duplicating an Existing Quote

You can create a duplicate copy of an existing quote and then change the details of the new quote as required. The new quote must be for the same debtor as the original quote.


Micronet displays the Job Information screen.

  1. Select QUOTE | SAVE AS.


Technical Tip

You can only select the SAVE AS menu option if there is no job selected on the Job Information screen.

Micronet displays the Save As screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Job Number

Enter the quote number you want to copy, or enter part of a quote number and then select the quote you want to copy from the list.


Next Job Number

Enter the new quote number if required. This field is only enabled if the Manual Job Number field is set to Yes in the Department master file – see "File - Department".

Otherwise, Micronet automatically allocates the next available quote number.


Debtor Number

Micronet displays the debtor from the original quote.



Micronet displays the code for your quotes department.


Order Number

Micronet displays any order number entered on the original quote.


Job Details

Micronet displays the job details entered on the original quote.

  1. Select Accept.

Micronet copies the original quote to the new one and loads the quote details into the Job Information screen.

  1. You can change many of the details displayed including the Job Address, Order Number and Job Details.
  2. Select Accept on the Job Information screen to display the Job Transaction Processing screen.

The item lines from the original quote are displayed. You can add, change and delete these as required.